The Annual Student Research Conference (“Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia” - TDK) is organised at most of the Hungarian universities in each November. TDK is very popular at BME and our Department actively participates in the organisation of the event. Participating students have to write a research paper and make a presentation in sections. Their essays and presentations are evaluated and the best ones receive valuable prizes and are nominated for the national competition.
Why do students like this program?
Several students choose their supervisor from the Department of Environmental Economics. We organise one or two sections annually (“Environmental management”, “Environmental and regional economics”, “Sectoral sustainability” – depending on the actual research topics). We are the only Department offering an English language scientific section on sustainability issues, thus ERASMUS students are also welcome to participate.
We are very proud that our students usually gain excellent results at the National conferences, organised every second year. Some titles of earlier successful research papers: “Distorted energy market or greening Europe: The conversion of KÁT system” (Olivér Hortay, 1st prize). “Assessment of urban sustainability in Central Europe” (Attila Buzási, 1st prize); “Battling Transaction Costs: Establishing an e-Exchange System for Coaseian Bargaining” (Márton Szemenyei, 1st prize).