NiCE - Tandem approach for the activation of users for circular lifestyles

The BME Department of Environmental Economics and Sustainability, together with the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) works towards the idea of linking urban living with circular lifestyles, especially sustainable water consumption, through public events, education and experiments of circular water DIY pilots (i.e. hydroponics). The importance of circular water management is crucial everywhere, however the role of large, more developed urban centres like Bologna and Budapest is even higher due to the concentration of people, infrastructure, businesses and other organizations. The pilots will develop innovative ecosystems among stakeholders with a Living lab approach, as well as raise awareness regarding circular economy principles. Stakeholders will be able to understand the complex nature of circular water management in which consumers can have a great impact on water-saving not only by using innovative solutions (i.e. Bologna Pilot prototypes) but also reducing the amount of water they consume in their daily life (thanks to the „water footprint” concept).


Since May 2024 the tandem organizes monthly meetings to share knowledge, innovative ideas, research results and projects related to circular water management. The meeting in November was dedicated to the discussion of Sustainable Business Models - Food production & water scarcity and water footprint, where Milena Todorova Stefanova (ENEA) introduced research on Start-ups in Bologna in the food economy, and Mariann Szabó (BME) presented about the usage of the Business Model Canvas for value proposition by local producers. The topic of the meeting in December was the effects of (packaging) plastics on the water cycle – theoretical considerations and business models for mitigation with two related presentations: Roberta Guzzinati (ENEA) has held a presentation about microplastics in the water cycle: state of the art and focus on packaging waste and Dorottya Vincze (bachelor student in environmental engineering and university research fellow (in Hungarian EKÖP)) introduced her research findings regarding package-free shops as circular lifestyles’ enablers in the Budapest Metropolitan Area: success factors and connection to sustainable resource management.